Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I get more turns??
A. 4 turns an hour, on the hour.
Q. How many turns can I store?
A. 100 turns max.
Q. Why can't I find anybody to attack?
A. If you just started, you need to be out of New Player Protection (NNP) before you can attack or be attack. NNP is 100 turns.
Q. Why does my Food supply keep going down? I have alot of Farms!!
A. Thats probably because you do not have enough people working it. Each Farm requires 33.3 people working it.
Q. Can I be attacked when I am Offline?
A. Yes you can. But you will receive a report of the outcome when you log in again.
Q. How do I change my color in CHAT?
A. Type: /color 255 255 255 . We are using RGB colors, so 255 255 255 is white. 100 100 100 is grey. 0 0 0 is black (never ever use this color..I warned you). and ofcourse..255 155 10 for my favourite orange. You can also type: /color random random random to get a random color. If you find your color too dark, you can type: /brighter or if too bright..type: /darker
Q. If I have some area about the game I am not happy with, can I complain to the Admins?
A. You can try. Just remember, this game was offer to you for FREE. The people updating and serving the game did it out of generosity. So please be polite when asking favours.
Q. Why can't I click on the Market and Trade button?
A. They have been disabled cause it was abused. Admins may put it back in once they can make it safe again.
Q. The service here is slow, I can't get my verification code on time. What do I do??
A. Theres no need for verification codes. You do not need to be verified anymore. Maybe the admin might want to look into that. All you need to do is stay within the multi limit. If this round says you can have 10 multies, you can have 10 multies. The server runs a check everynow and then. If it finds out you have more than the stipulated allowance, you get ban. And trust me, many have tried, none survived.
Q. What is a "Multi" ?
A. You other accounts or characters. You are given a limited number of characters to play each round. If you have Troll 1, Troll2,Troll3 and Troll4, that means u have 3 multies. 1 main character.
Q. Why do I keep loosing my locs?(Other player's locations)
A. That happens in the begining stage of the game. Generally its because of a new kingdom setup. Your Generals doesn't really have proper storage for the maps yet. They just keep loosing them among all those paper works. They will have more experience with it later on in the game.
Q. I keep hearing people say "Dom". Whats a Dom?
A. Thats the short form of the alliance call "Dominion". People keep talking about it because its the best alliance that ever grace the world of Narmir.
"Lord Jester: "Thats bad info right there, everyone knows when Aftermath first came we stomped Dom's *beep*.
First Wizard: ...riiight...dreaming again aren't ya?"
*FAQs will be updated regularly
*Narmir Helpsite written
by the First Wizard. Special Thanks to all those who have contributed to this
site. Particularly the Admins for their valuable informations. A B S O L U T
E_ D O M A I N 3rd of March 2002