"Greetings, young traveller! I see you are new around here.Welcome to Narmir! the Land of Magic and Conquests..
Came here to make a name for yourself I see? Very well. Let me walk with you a little so that I may impart my humble knowledge. Its not much..but it should come in handy..cause you see....the real legends in this world don't have time for new comers like yourself. Here..let me get my walking watch your belongings...theres a darkelf around here that likes to take what thats not his. Some say he has only one eye.."
I am presuming that you have already made an account before reading this. If not..please do so now...*waits*..Do remember that your password is very important and must never be disclosed to anybody. In this an expensive thing to pay for. Now..this is what you see when you first get into your city:
What you are looking at is the Status of your kingdom. This is where it reflects your buildings, troops, armor, weapons and experience points of its individual category. As you can see, this city has only 20 farms and no buildings. Thats cause he just started and the 20 farms are what everybody starts with. But what you realise is his Economy is already at 261% from the default 100%. Thats what you should start doing as well. Get your Economy up fast so you can have the Gold to do what is needed. Inorder to do that, you need to Study your Economy. You will need Researchers.
Now, young traveller. This is where you Hire or Dismiss your Military and Support. You don't have to be High Elf to understand this interface.
Now the first row of digits (starting from the left) tells you what you currently have and how many you can hire, respectively. And next to it you see the cost for each unit.And from what I heard, they always cost the same. GC$250. (GC=Gold Coin). Next to the right you will see the range of staffs you can have. Ranging from the Fighters to Engineers. The box shows you the maximum amount of that particular unit you can Hire at one go. You can go ahead and change it to a lower number if you don't want that many. Do understand this, the people you are hiring is subtracted from your population. And so if you hire too much ,too quickly, it might result in a sudden shortage of food cause every farmer in the kingdom is being enlisted by you.You can starve. But don't worry, the numbers subtracted from you population comes back over time.The rate at which the population returns also depends on your Morale and Entertainment. But for can't have too much of it yet. So go ahead and Hire Researchers. Type in the amount you want..and click "Hire Researchers". Now... you are in "business" :)
Fighters : Main force for invading and defending
Rangers : Rangers fight as well. But their primary role is searching. Either they search for land, or they search for other kingdoms to invade or ally.
Clerics : They are military medics. They have simple healing power. They go for war together with your Fighters and Rangers and its the Clerics job to keep them alive during battle.Clerics fight as well.
Mages : Mages are powerful magic users. They do not carry weapons as they hurl their powerful fireballs across the battle field. Mages can only be used to attack..for they do not defend. It is also believed that by having alot of Mages in your kingdom, Magic spells being cast on you are absorbed by this powerful Mages. And at the same time, having enough Mages when you cast a spell can make a difference to you magic. But if you put a Mage and a Fighter in an arena, the Mage is more then likely to die. Fighters are afterall..Fighters.
Thieves : One of the covert units. Its purpose is nothing short of sneaky. To steal. And everything can be stolen. Yes..even the 1.5 ton War Machines. And its particularly NOT FUNNY when you get all your hard earn research stolen.Thieves do not fight.
Ninjas : One of the covert units. Now don't ask me how did this Ancient Japanese Artform ended up in the Land of Narmir. But their main purpose is to kill...silently. Everything that breaths can be assasinated by these deadly assassins. They are also used for Sabotage Missions. Ninjas do not fight.
*Both Thieves and Ninjas are required for spying missions.
Researchers : Scholars that studies and do research for the benefit of the kingdom. When your kingdom has a shortage of population. They are the first to be dismissed in order to immediately raise back the population. Troops dismissed from you direct employment goes back into the population count.
Engineers : Your very own construction unit. They can build simple farms to massive castles. They can also build complicated contraptions for war. 1 engineer is required to work 1 war machine. They don't normally fight. But if a war machine gets destroyed in the battlefield, the engineer working it normally dies too.
We move on to Options. You won't be coming in here much. Some people only visits this place twice in the whole round. Once to set it to 50%, the other to set it to 42%. But I personally like it at 43%. Do be cautious when Taxing your people. If they think you are Taxing too much, they will leave. And thats not good considering you need the people to work your farms. Without enough people, your troops will starve to death.
Indicated in this window is the slider bar for Tax. As you can see it is currently set to 50% (Max). Most players do that in the begining of the game as it doesn't really affect the morale. Morale is at 100% (default). You need to adjust the Tax back down to 42%. 42% has been tested and its suppose to get you maximum Gold earning without affecting your Morale. Morale can be increased by studying Entertainment. A boring City is a city nobody wants to live in. This is also the place for you to change your password or delete your account. Vacation mode is disabled for now due to the fact that it was abused.
This is probably the module easiest to understand at a glance.
This is the break down of the Maximum increment for each topic. You need to get enough Researchers to get a 5 or 3 point increment. Generally its about 2000 researchers for you to get a maximum increment. High Elves will probably require less as they are the most intelligent of all the races. And that goes for their magic too. Spells from a High Elf can be nothing short of catastrophic. And on the other hand, if you are a Dire Wolves, you are gonna need a whole lot more researchers to get a max increment each turn. Dire Wolves are fierce fighters....but they sure ain't too bright. As for Spellbook and Military research...the amount of researchers can make a huge difference.Schools helps too. Although not much if you only have a few. The maximum researchers you can have is 1 million.
I'll now give you a quick run down of what each study does for your kingdom.
Armors : How effectively your troops are protecting themselves. 1 armour for 1 unit. Only certain units get bonus protection from the armor.They include Fighters, Rangers ,Clerics and Mages. Max being 1000%
Weapons : How effective are your weapons are during a fight. 1 weapon for 1 unit. Only certain units gets bonus damage from the weapons. They include Fighters, Rangers and Clerics. As for Mages, since they are magic users, they only need armors. Some may believe that armor affects the magic field of a Mage. But so far it has not been proven . Max being 1000%
War Machines : How powerful and accurate your WMs are. It also determines how durable they are. Take note that 1 WM needs 1 engineer to operate it. Max being 1000%.
Economy : How much Gold your kingdom makes per turn. Max being 1000%
Entertainment : How desirable you kingdom is. Entertainment affects your Morale. The higher the Entertainment, the higher the morale. It also speeds up the population return when you Hire troops from it. High Entertainment can help you recover faster if you are hit by a morale affecting spell. When your Morale goes down, your Entertainment research does not. Unless it was looted.
Construction Skills : How much you can build in a turn. Researching on this area can help your Engineers make better tools and thus speeds up Construction time. This is reflected by the amount you can build in a turn. Max being 1000%
Spellbook : This where all the spells are. Spells are the same for every race. You need researchers to do research in this area in order to get spells. The higher the Spellbook..the more and powerful spells you have. Take note that for every spell you cast, a small amount of the Spellbook fissles away. And you will need to study them back. If you try to cast a spell thats needing more SB then your Spellbook has..the spell takes place in your kingdom in a really nasty way. So do watchout. Spellbook is infinite.
Attack Magic : How much damage your destructive spells can cause.
Defense Magic : How much help your defensive spells can be.
Military Tactics : Improves your overall troops experience. This is where the Sergeants and Captains get their training manuals from. The higher your Military Tactics....the deadlier your army becomes.
Like I say...everybody has their on unique style of running their kingdom. this is but a guide for you to begin with. In future, you will more than likely develop your own tactics. And the ways you can play this war game is only limited by your imagination.
Military Attack
This is where you will visit most often. All war planning and attacking happens here. This is also the module with the most sub-modules. So you need to get yourself orientated as soon as possible.
Military attack is whereby your troop tries to enter an enemy kingdom to plunder. A successful hit will earn you 10% of the enemy's land. Pick a target from the location list you have...and launch and attack!!
Spells, when used strategically, can completely crush your enemy..or save an ally. It can slow down an enemy's pursuit or bring your enemy into range.
*if you have reading glasses..this is a good time to put them on
Spell List is where all your spells can be found. Depending on how much of research your researchers has done. The larger the Spell Book counts..the more and powerful spells you have.
The Power Slider is where you adjust the amount of Mana you are going to use in your selected spell. The more mana you put in..the bigger the spell will be..destructive..or constructive. Now you will probably be wondering why would you want to cast anything less then the full thing...Well..take for example, your ally was hit by a 10 Duration Fire spell. Meaning he will have Fire igniting in his city for 10 of his turns. That also means that if he were to take a turn, he will burn to the ground..if the Fire spell is a big one. So he notifies you for help. What are you gonna do? Well..for can cast the spell "Dispel". As the name goes, its to remove whatever magic spell present on the target you pick. But the spell "Fire" just starts a fire, only at that precise moment was it magic. Once the fire starts to spread..its no longer magic..its So now would be a good time for some rain wouldn't you think? Cast the spell "Rain" on your ally's burning city. Now hold on there...if you over do this, Not only will you wipeout the fire, you will wipeout your ally's city as well. For the spell Rain can bring down buildings and flood the city. This is the time to make use of the Power slider. Just alittle Rain is all you want...bring it down to..for example..1000 mana instead of the full on 200,000 Mana.
And next to the Power Slider is the Duration Slider. This slider lets you adjust the number of turns the spell will be present on your target. For example if you were to cast Fire on a kingdom, it doesn't starts burning immediately. The kingdom has to take a turn before the Fire starts to really burn things up. The initial burning is nothing compare to whats gonna happen if he/she takes a turn. But if he gets a dispel from somewhere ......your Fire might become nothing more than a scare. So what happens if he/she could not find anybody to cast a dispel ? The player will have to make a choice. Be patient and wait for help (which can sometime take a day) or brave the Fire and take a turn. Then rebuild after the Fire. Of course this will be impossible if the Fire you cast was set to 10 durations. *Evil Laugh* But do take note that a 200,000 mana Fire spread over 10 durations means the spell power for 1 turn is only 20,000 mana. But without a dispel, trying to brave this Fire will only mean total destruction. You can't take 10 turns with Fire on you and not loose everything.
Next to the Duration Slider is the Obscuring Slider. This slider allows you to "hide" where the spell is coming from. So the person receiving it will not know its from you. When do you need to do this you ask?'ll figure it out `). Also , an obscured casting has to be done right..or you will give yourself away. This is how you do it. If you want to cast Amnesia on a kingdom using obscure..(Lets just say you want to cast a 1000 mana Amnesia) The mana distribution should be like this: 1000 Mana Spell Power, 500 Mana Obscure. Total Mana required will be 1500. Obscure mana will have to be half of whats used in power. An obscured spell is also a weak spell. To the person receiving the spell, it will look like a small natural disaster or an act of God. More commonly known as a "Random Spell". Thou it can still pose quite a problem.
Theres a chinese saying that goes: "Know your enemy well, and every battle will be victorious". Spying is how you can get information on your enemy's strength. What and how much troops he/she has.
If the mission is a success...a report will be presented below the empty space. If its not successful, more then likely a certain amount of your Ninjas and Thieves will be caught and they would have already revealed your location to your enemy. The accuracy of the report also depend on the experience of your covert units. But one thing for sure. They will never be exactly accurate.
Time to relieve you enemy of their "Worldly Burdens" `)
Pick a target, pick what you want to loot. And tell your thieves to be....quiet. A successful plunder means you can loot whatever you want for 10 times. Research is normally what you are after. But not always. Some people like to steal War Machines...I don't understand why... You will have no need to worry once your first hit goes through. It means your victim does not have enough Thieves to spot you. Unless of course, he is online and sees the news...he can then Hire another lot of thieves. Increased in number...he just might catch you. Then your Thieves will be caught and tortured. Your Location will be revealed.
Assasinating certain "key personals " can gain you entry into many places...even gaining land is possible. Assasinating your enemy's Thieves will leave their vaults unguarded. All the better to loot from. Or removing a Dwarve kingdom of her engineers. So that you may sent a military attack on it. Since those war machines won't be firing back without their engineers. Or slaying a viking horde of Fighters before you launch a real attack. Espionage is fun.
Just make sure you have more Ninjas then your enemy. Or their Ninjas will be the one doing the throat cutting.
This is the construction module. If you look around, you will also see this is where the Engineers hangout. Yes..I know..looks like they are very free. Lets give them something to do.
The place is pretty bare I'd say. Looks like you have a shortage of tools for your Engineers. No worries. Just build a few Smithies and you will start to have all the tools you need to help your Engineers build faster. " Get to work you lazy people!!!" Smithies are good to have. You see, the more you can build in 1 turn means you have more turns left to do other taking other people's land`) . This is where you make weapons and armors.And your War Machines too. But of course you already know that. You are quite smart I tell you..
Heres a list of what these buildings do:
Farms : Farmers work it, Gives you food. (10 pieces makes 1 farm)
Barracks : Places for your troops to rest. They can live there and so you don't have to pay extra transport allowances. Help to cut cost on the expenses of your troops. (2 pieces makes 1 Barrack)
Outposts : Outposts notifies you of an attack earlier. Because of their height and far out locations, they will be spotting or encountering the enemy way before the enemy has a chance to surprise you. You will be ready by the time they reach the city walls.(2 pieces makes 1 Outpost)
Guard Towers : Watch towers within the city that keeps a look out. Its main purpose is to help your own thieves and ninjas to prevent enemy covert units from sneaking into the city. (2 pieces makes 1 Guard Tower)
Schools : Due to the fact you can only have 1 million Researchers. Schools will help you study faster.(5 pieces makes 1 School)
Armories : This is the place where you store your weapons and armors. It will prevent them from being looted by Thieves.(5 pieces makes 1 Armory)
Vaults : This is where you store your Gold. It will prevent them from being looted by Thieves.(5 pieces makes 1 Vault)
Cathedrals : A place for people to worship their gods. It also helps to bring in population. Cathedrals helps to get you more Mana each turn. (25 pieces makes 1 Cathedral)
Smithies : Workshops for engineers. This is where they make tools and contraptions for construction. Having more of this will help you build more in a turn. (15 pieces makes 1 Smithies)
Market Places : Market Places generate Gold. Due to the fact that traders will visits any city with Market Places. Trading is a form of revenue (30 pieces makes 1 Market Places)
Training Fields : Training fields are places whereby your troops train for war. By having training fields, every turn you take ,the training fields will automatically trains your Military Tactics. It doesn't matter what the turn you take is for. And err...oh need alot of this to actually see the result. Like a few hundred thousands. (50 pieces makes 1 Training Field)
Colloseums : Gladiators fights for their lifes in arenas like this. Great form of Entertainment. A great way to bring up population. More population means more TAX Gold!! (25 pieces makes 1 Colloseum)
Castles : This where you and your Ministers will be. The more you have of this, the better your food, economy and defences will be. Castles has many effects on a kingdom. It even helps to increase the desirability of the City. (500 pieces makes 1 Castles)
Destroying Buildings : There are time when you have to clear away some old buildings to make way for newer ones. Sometimes your advisor comes back with new Financial Plans that will require you to demolish a few Barracks in order to make way for more Cathedrals. Sometime, its demolishing Castles to make way for more farms. This feature can also come in handy when a mistake occur. The most common one would be clicking Build Barracks instead of Build Farms.
Sometimes you just can't wait for the damn Farms to Harvest. Or your Financial Ministers are having difficulty raising war funds. Your army hasn't been doing too well invading other cities lately and you are desperately wanting to expand. Searching is a good way to solve these problems..for a little while. You can Search for Gold, Food and Land. The amount your Rangers bring back depends on how many you sent out and how experienced they are.
You will also need your Rangers to locate your potential enemy's whereabouts. Its hard to launch an attack if you don't even know where they are. So a Ranger will be best for this task. A report will be given on the result of the Search. You won't find the same person twice. If your Rangers can't find anymore locs, either you already have everybody's Location...or you have to few a Rangers.
Alliances can help you when you are in need. When you are in an alliance, and attack on your city will become an alliance matter. Once you are hit, a signal flare will be sent out from your kingdom. Once your allies sees it, they will send 5% to 1%(depending on the pledge) of their troops to your defend. This is a good way to stop loosing anymore land. So..a bigger alliance means more troops will be sent to you during an attack. It can be very effective. But of course you will also have to respond to your allies' cry for help.
Pledging is individual. You have to decide how much troops you can afford out of your kingdom to help your allies. If 10 of your allies are hit that day, 10 X 3% (if pledge is set to 3)of your troops will be out to help those allies. But if you are attacked..your forces will return immediately to join in the fight. This is also where your alliance can communicate in private. All in and out going messages can only be seen by your allies only. To invite a person, simply find his/her loc (which will appear in the None Member column) highlight his/her name and click Invite Selected => . Same thing for Dismissing a member. Select his/her name and click <=Dismiss Selected.
This is where your , I guess you can call it your mail box. All non allied mails goes in and out of this place.
This works very much like a simple email program. You can either Post it to one particular person or to everybody in Narmir to read. If they read it. You will receive mails here as well. If you receive any mail that is obscene in its content, you may choose to forward it to the admins for action.
Whatever you do in the game generates a report. This report is very important, for it tells you your kingdom's well-being. It shows you a report when you are attacked ,Spelled..or the arrest of some enemy units. It tells you of Natural Disasters and Alliance movements.
Learn to read the News carefully for it can also be telling you that a spell is currently on you. Take a turn now and you will suffer heavy loses. It reflects to you the amount of Food produced and consumed, The amount of Mana made this turn..and how many people has come in or left your city. It also has a report on your Financial Status.
Finally, we come to the last and most addictive area of the entire game. The chatroom.
I will just tell you alittle about the functions available in chat..just in case.
On the right is where you will see all those present in chat. Theres a little "+" next to everybody's name. This indicate that the person is currently viewing the chatroom. Sometimes the "+" sign becomes a "-". That means the person has went into the other modules to do something else and is no londer watching the chatroom.
You may change color by typing: /color 255 255 255. Where you see 255, is the color combination for RGB. 255 being Maximum and 0 being Minimum. By mixing the 3 sets of will be able ti get any color known to man.
You can have an "action statement" Like : *First Wizard throws Absolute out the Window. In order to do this, you type: /me throws Absolute out the window.(Enter)
You can send private messages to a particular person. Simply highlight the person's name on the right column.....and type: /msg Dude, your fly is open (Enter) . It will appear to the chosen person as: (PrivTo)[Absolute] Dude,your fly is open.
Sometimes, an annoying person appears in chat and are spamming the chat room. Admin is not around to take action. You can choose to ignore the person by clicking the person's name and typing : /ignore (Enter). You will no longer hear the person anymore. You can undo this ignore by typing in : /unignore.
Making a new chat room for you alliance is easy as typing : /join New_Chatroom_Name.
You can dbl click on the main chat to come back again. Do not use black in chat, Do not Spam, Do not use vulgarity, Do not be rude.Do not ask questions about the game until you have gone through this helpsite.
* Alright my young friend. That is all I have for you. Its not much...but I hope it will atleast help you in your first 300 turns. I'll shall leave now, The road ahead will not be an easy one. I tell you now..there will be times when you feel like giving up..running away. There will be time you will feel you have no hope. Do not despair. For it is a great recovery that makes you a true warrior. I have been defeated countless countless enemy. But I always get back on my feet again. Now old as I am..can't fight no more. But I will be around to help newcomers. For I think I have found what I do best. Making this world a much more interesting place. One important tip I have for you, make friend with everybody, be nice to everybody. The more friends you have..the less enemy you have. But of course you will be attack even if you do that. This is a war game after all. So go forth and conquer!! May you learn the ways of the warlords. Ahh...I sense another young traveller approaching the edge of this forest.....
*For Intermediate players, please visit "The Narmir Legends" for articles by well known warlords of Narmir
*Narmir Helpsite complied by the First Wizard. Special Thanks to all those who have contributed to this site.Particularly the Admins for their valuable informations. A B S O L U T E_ D O M A I N 3rd of March 2002