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Old 10-23-2013, 12:18 PM
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ur idea for levelups is cool,at least if u can put multiple points in the same thing,which u currently cant do in a single level. however there is a flaw in ur strategic argument,from a creative standpoint anyway,in my opinion. To my thinking,some players would opt for the opposite,instead of playing a war race and cranking their troops even higher,putting their points into,say,spells....of course they won't be a supermage,but would offset the whole hitting an elf for land and getting essentially crippled by the resulting meteor/fire/drought retal...

Also as to Deities,while that is totally something I personally would go for,I must poopoo it,at least for now. for one thing at this point there's just not nowhere near enough players,maybe 2 dozen or so and i guarantee at least 10 will wanna be Deity,so u wind up with "too many chiefs,not enuff injuns" and even in a long-term,it would creat a "popularity contest" aspect that would more hurt the game environment than add to it,in my humble opinion. If nothing else,I would advise that if/when it IS implemented,there's no changing it,that is,if and when u choose a deity,that's ur would cut out extreme amounts of butthurt over people "jumping ship", curb aggressive "recruiting",and make ppl consider their choice VERY carefully,so as to even further preserve some balance... Good Input tho,all around.